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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Marsh

How New Substitute Mortality Tables Impact Defined Benefit Plans

The landscape of defined benefit plan management is constantly changing, often influenced by major societal events. The COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, has had a significant impact on life expectancies, prompting the IRS to update its rules on substitute mortality tables. This measure, rooted in a necessary response to the pandemic's aftereffects, seeks to ensure that retirement plans reflect realistic longevity outcomes. As plan sponsors, grasping the essence and implications of these updated tables is critical to the accurate forecasting and funding of participant benefits.

Internal Revenue Service

The Essence of Substitute Mortality Tables 

Mortality tables serve as actuarial tools to forecast life expectancy, which is vital in calculating both the obligations of pension plans and the necessary contributions. "Substitute mortality tables" are more specialized, designed to reflect the specific demographics of a particular plan, providing a more accurate representation to the broad-brushed, one-size-fits-all approach of standard mortality tables.

Why the IRS Updated Mortality Tables 

The pandemic has undeniably shifted demographic patterns with its impact on mortality rates. As such, the IRS recognized the need for pension plans to factor in these pandemic-related demographic shifts. These rules are effective for 2025 and later plan-year valuations. By employing substitute mortality tables, defined benefit plans can account for the specific mortality experience of their participants—reflecting the true nature of the pandemic’s impact.

How Plans Are Affected 

 With these new rules in place, plan sponsors can now re-evaluate their actuarial assumptions against this update. While this presents a layer of complexity in the short term, it opens up long-term benefits through increased accuracy in liability predictions, potentially optimizing plan funding strategies.

RPCSI’s Take on the Updated Mortality Tables 

RPCSI recognizes the nuances that come with the introduction of these substitute mortality tables. Our expertise lies in dissecting these changes and assisting plan sponsors in integrating them within their existing frameworks. From in-depth analysis to strategic application, we ensure that your plans are adapted with precision to the post-pandemic world. 

Don't face these substantial changes alone. Connect with RPCSI to have a comprehensive consultation to prepare your retirement plans for an accurate reflection of the new mortality trends. Let's strengthen your strategies for a resilient and reliable future in defined benefit planning. 

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